Buster "I ain't afraid of no hoax" Collection:

Lol - Satire ! We welcome you. One of the last safe bastions of TRUTH !

What can we say ? After 4x long years of a bogus Russian collusion hoax with over 180,000 fake news reports, conspired spoon fed propaganda, lies & false flags, fantasy W.M.D's & all the rest - 20 year illegal invasion Afghanistan failure, WTC7, the G.F.C? What a joke ! "Miss Information" ? Wasn't that the name of the Russian hooker that peed on Trump ? lol - What a joke !

Zero credibility across the board anymore, about anything, regardless of one's sources. Fool me once - (Russian collusion hoax) fool you. Fool me twice ? (Anything one now says about anything) fool me!

Ever read the story - 'the boy who cried Wolf?' We simply do not believe you anymore. 

Seeing as it is all a bad joke - we can also make a joke about it all as well. Show your support & help us say - NO !

"Its a mark of character to NOT take offence" Club Far Q